Taylor G.

Dear Taylor,
I would like to thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. Taylor G, I know it is not easy to have a mommy that has this whole “ambitious traveling” thing going on. I love bookstores, coffee shops, as well as Gothic architecture, and as a result you have sat through hundreds of conversations where no one but your mommy spoke sign language. In the quest for the good life, I failed to ask your permission to take such leaps of faith. You have been with me to live in several cities over the past seven years, three schools, and one island. I appreciate your ability to be flexible despite your diagnosis of autism and deafness. Thank you for telling me when you need a break and communicate when we need to pause. You are humble and grateful and even an invitation to view the cockpit of an airplane does not impress you. You are not moved by your numerous visits to the Ivies and most of all you are always willing to try something new. Patient, loving, with an unapologetic sense of style and grace makes me proud to be your mother. There are many children that would frown at the thought of traveling in trains, planes, and automobiles on a constant basis, but you take it all in stride, wanting only an array of snacks and an occasional fine dining experience. Thumbing through bookshelves at Barnes and Noble has become your passion, and you speak to everyone by politely tapping them on the shoulder. The G at the end of your name represents the name Gabriel, pronounced like the messenger in the bible. Therefore I like to call you my “Taylor made” messenger. No matter what our experiences has been over the past decade, you have rose to the occasion with a smile. Though sometimes you object to unexpected change, that is just a gentle reminder for me to consider you needs as well as mine. Three academic degrees, three cities, one awesome daughter = One Good Life.

Thank you for being a wonderful part of these experiences. I could not have accomplished them without you!

“All your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be your children’s peace.”
Isaiah 54:13

6 responses to “Taylor G.”

  1. ::Tear:: 😉

    I know it isn't easy but my goodness you have taken it all in stride! It amazes me that you can be an amazing parent to Taylor while not losing sight of your dreams. God really knew who Taylor needed for a mom, and who you needed for a daughter.


  2. Eraina, this is so good! What a wonderful thing this will be for Taylor G to have as she moves through life. God be with you both, my Dears!


  3. Thanks Becky!! You know we couldn't have done anything without you!:) You potty trained Taylor and threw away her stroller….I love ya tons!

    Thanks Susan! You are such a blessing to Taylor and because of your constant support and loving words…you have blessed us so much on this journey!:)


  4. Wow…just when I thought my “I admire Eraina” meter couldn't get any higher…you broke the thing! This was amazingly beautiful and I am sure that you have communicated this to her in soo many ways. I know I've seen it. She is the way she is because her mommy is the way she is. The apple didn't fall far from the tree at all. Love you both and so blessed to know y'all. Muah!


  5. Thanks Shane! Huggs and you are and awesome friend! 300 pennies!


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